How do I setup Zoom?
Google search for Zoom or follow this link to Zoom and download it to your device.
How do I use Zoom?
See the Zoom FAQ page its really very easy. Or head over to their Educating on Zoom page.
What’s the best space to setup for our lesson?
Consider a room that does not invade privacy (i.e. think about what’s in the background of the video). You can blur the background in the video settings for further privacy.
How can you tell if I’m playing the music correctly?
Just as with a standard lesson, we have all the music you will be playing. We can follow together. I can also observe through the camera.
What’s the best device to have the lessons on?
The larger the screen the better i.e. laptops, but iPads and similar devices work just as well. Please ensure it is positioned so you can be viewed as you play. The music will be ready to read in our studio so no need to share it.
What if I want to play something you might not have?
Zoom allows for screen sharing if it is digital. Otherwise a scan or photo and email through to and we can follow along on one of our monitors as you play.