Clefs ‘n’ Keys Trumpet Method Book 1 (hard copy)
$25.00 inc GST
A4 hard copy printed version of the book.
This book is also suitable for use with Cornets, Tenor Horn and treble clef Baritone or Euphonium.
The first five notes are presented from two different starting notesfor different student’s needs. Start on page 6 to begin on middle C and work upward, or on page 11 to begin on the G above middle C and work downwards.
A4 hard copy printed version of the book.
Over 90 songs and melodies – including many Australian tunes.
Choice of starting note – either middle C and work up, or G and work down.
Group lessons for treble clef and bass clef instruments when combined with Clefs n Keys Trombone Book 1.
Introduction to daily practice routines through “Workout!” – lips of steel with bungee like flexibility.
Introduction to blues scales as well as Major and Minor scales.
A sturdy and durable book to withstand the rigours of school bags.
Includes Fingering Chart and Transposition Chart.
Suitable for students of all ages.
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