Clefs ‘n’ Keys Tuba Method Book 1 PDF
$25.00 inc GST
A4 hard copy printed version of the book.
This book is suitable for use with BBb and EEb Tubas.
The first five notes are presented in a different order for different student’s needs. Start at page 6 to begin on B flat and work upwards (BBb’s) or at page 11 to begin on Eb and work downwards (EEb’s).
A4 hard copy printed version of the book.
Over 90 songs and melodies – including many Australian tunes.
Written by a tutor for the use of tutors and students.
Choice of starting note – either B flat and work up, or F and work downward.
Group lessons for trumpets, bass clef trombones and tubas are possible when combined with Clefs n Keys Trumpet Book 1 and / or Trombone Book 1.
Introduction to daily practice routines through “Workout!”
Introduction to the Blues scale as well as Major and Minor scales.
Includes Fingering Chart and Transposition Chart.
A sturdy and durable book to withstand the rigours of school bags.
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